Measuring the so called "piracy": a commented review of the most important empirical studies

ABSTRACT: There are lots of empirical studies that regularly deal with investigating users' behavior about copyrighted products (music, movies, software ...). However many of them start from an assumption that does not always come true: i.e. the assumption that users are always potential purchasers of a product and not mere users of a service.
It implies that some surveys become something more similar to market research which are carried out not just to understand the true essence of behaviors, opinions and attitudes, rather than to evaluate new marketing strategies and enable producers to meet new marketing challenges for the information society.
The idea of this article is to make a review of the latest and most interesting studies, summarizing the most useful results and also highlighting method and approach limits. The resulting overview does not have an ambition to be exhaustive (considering the large amount of researches like these), anyway it arises as a guideline to better understand these issues from a sociological and statistical point of view.

This article is published in
SCIRES-IT - SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology (e-ISSN 2239-4303) - Volume 2, Issue 1 (2012)
License: Creative Commons Attribution - Non commercial - No derivative works 3.0 Italy
DOI code: 10.2423/i22394303v2n1p59 

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Summary of the article

1. Introduction
2. The study by PWC "Discovering behaviors and attitudes related to pirating content" (2010)
   2.1. Structure of the research
   2.2. Most interesting results
   2.3. Comments and critiques
3. The study by Fondazione Einaudi (2007 )
   3.1. Structure of the research
   3.2. Most interesting results
   3.3. Comments and critiques
4. The Wired-Cotec 2009 report on the culture of innovation in Italy
5. The Istat report on "Citizens and new technologies" (2008)
6. The Global software piracy study by BSA (2010)
   6.1. Structure of the research
   6.2. Most interesting results
   6.3. Comments and critiques
7. The study by New York Times on psychology of sharing (2011)
   7.1. Structure of the research
   7.2. Most interesting results
   7.3. Comments and critiques
8. Conclusions

(the article is available in Italian version only;
however all the graphs are easily understandable 
and most of the references are in English)
